Monday, January 10, 2011

What do you need for some fun in the snow?

An old box, a trash bag, some tape, and string. Granted, this contraption only 
lasted 10 minutes but so did Jacob's enjoyment of the snow. It was fun though
and I'm glad I didn't spend the money on even a used sled which was my
original plan.


  1. Ryan said that's how your dad used to take you sledding. He'd attach a rope about 15 ft. long to a box, load 2 or 3 kids inside and push them down a hill. When the rope was taut, he'd pull the kids back up the hill in the sled. If you ever think about going snowshoeing, my sister sent me this link for homemade snow shoes -

  2. Remember sledding on grass with a cardboard box? It was so fun. We love you!
