Saturday, February 12, 2011

No News is Good News

I haven't posted in three weeks, but this is mostly because things have been going well. I stayed within my strict food budget in January and this month I have even been able to stock up on food storage while staying within the budget. Additionally, in the last two months we have put a significant amount of money towards our credit card debt (I won't tell you how much because it's kind of embarrassing that we would even owe that much). So HOORAY us.

In other news I got these in the mail yesterday from my wonderful brother and sister-in-law, Miah and Missy:

Yay! Cloth napkins! Can I just say what a perfect gift this is for us. Our stash of paper napkins in the pantry is dwindling and it was highly questionable as to whether they would last us to the end of the year. 

Stay tuned for Valentine's Day on the cheap...


  1. All good news! I love those napkins Miah and Missy sent you. Very classy.

  2. How kind of them. I'm glad things are going well, it always feels great to get out of debt.
